Our founders combined skill sets to create the world's first-ever pilot-run advertising agency to specialize in aviation-related marketing.

Co-Founder, CEO, Director of Marketing and Sales
After traveling and living in both Europe and South America, Ariel developed a love for people that she strives to instill in her business. Her love for communications combined with her interest in connecting people with solutions led her to pursue a career in marketing.
Following this trajectory, Ariel was able to move on and study at BYU's prestigious Marriott School of Business.
After being mentored by renowned serial entrepreneurs and millionaires Tai Lopez and Danny Tran, Ariel was ready to launch something of her own.
Once exposed to aviation, she was hooked and is currently pursuing her own PPL. She is passionate about exposing more people to aviation and hopes to play an integral part in putting more women in the cockpit.
Co-Founder, COO, Director of Aviation
Born with a passion for flying, Andrew became a private pilot at just 17. He went on to earn his commercial and instrument ratings and became one of the nation's youngest Certified Flight Instructors and went on to earn a Gold Seal.
His flying career didn't stop there. At 23, he became a captain on the Dassault Falcon 20 and went on to become an international cargo pilot on the Boeing 777. He is now a captain on the Boeing 737.
Equipped with unparalleled expertise and a Master's Degree in Aerospace Science from American Military University, Andrew is passionate about getting more people into aviation and will stop at nothing to see your business grow.